Besides the Poreč summer cultural events, the lovers of arts can satisfy their thirst for art in numerous festivals and art locations throughout Istria.

Just like the stormy history, the summer nights in Poreč are filled with events and life. In the evening hours, when the sun is not so hot, various artists and musicians occupy the stone-paved streets of Poreč and present their talent.

Throughout the summer season, the Summer in Poreč Festival pervades the evenings with various music, dance and other artistic performances at various locations in the town to satisfy the needs of every lover of art.

The Euphrasian Basilica often hosts world-known classic musicians, the Lapidarij is known for the regular programme of jazz concerts. Apart from these must-see programmes, one should not miss festivals held in summer, like the Festival of klapas (group singing ) or Zlatne sopele – meeting of folk groups which present Istrian native costumes, dances and music to tourist.

Thos in search of modern artistic expressions, there is the Street Art Festival featuring street theatre, performances, jugglers, music and film events making the nights special, joyful and lively.

Festivals around Istria: